izin Yang Arif,
Izinkan kami menambah kepada
penghujahan kami sebelum ini yang bertarikh 18 April 2018.
2) Kami
turut menghujahkan bahawa berdasarkan hal keadaan yang khusus yang wujud dalam
kes ini, Seksyen 80 Kanun Keseksaan terpakai. Seksyen 80 tersebut menyatakan;
Nothing is an offence which is done by
accident or misfortune, and without any criminal intention or knowledge, in the
doing of a lawful act in a lawful manner, by lawful means, and with proper care
and caution.
A is at work with a hatchet; the head flies
off and kills a man who is standing by. Here, if there was no want of proper
caution on the part of A, his act is excusable and not an offence.”
3) Kami
menghujahkan bahawa pra-syarat di dalam pemakaian Seksyen 80 Kanun Keseksaan
telah dipenuhi;
Perayu tidak mendatangkan kecederaan
secara langsung atau tidak langsung kepada mangsa,
Kejadian yang menimpa mangsa adalah di
luar kawalan dan tidak dijangka. Sepanjang tempoh taska beroperasi, tidak
pernah berlaku apa-apa kejadian yang serupa,
Kejadian berlaku begitu pantas di waktu
rehat di mana guru kelas mangsa baru sahaja masuk ke tandas dan guru yang
sepatutnya mengawasi pelajar belum sempat keluar,
Tidak ada kecuaian di pihak mana-mana guru
yang bertugas,
Lokasi di mana berlakunya kejadian adalah
tempat yang selamat, dalam kawasan sekolah dan khusus untuk pelajar serta
ibu-bapa berehat,
Meja yang terjatuh sehingga menghempap
tangan mangsa juga adalah meja yang biasa. Tiada apa-apa aduan sebelumnya
bahawa meja tersebut membahayakan sesiapa,
Tiada apa-apa keterangan yang menunjukkan
niat Perayu hendak mencederakan mangsa. Juga tiada keterangan mengenai
pengetahuan Perayu bahawa meja tersebut boleh membahayakan sesiapa,
Kejadian berlaku semasa sessi persekolahan
yang rasmi,
Tidak ada apa-apa perlanggaran jenayah
atau mana-mana peraturan dalam perlaksanaan tugasan oleh pihak Perayu dan pihak
Jadual tugasan yang terperinci dan latihan
bagi guru-guru yang secukupnya telah dibuat oleh pihak sekolah bagi memastikan
keselamatan pelajar.
4) Sekiranya
Seksyen 80 ini terpakai, ia adalah satu pembelaan yang penuh (complete defense). Pohon rujuk kes
Mahkamah Rayuan La Ode Ardi Rasila v
PP [2016] 1 MLJ 358 [TAG 1];
“[34] It
is obvious that the appellant’s defence was a defence of accident or misfortune
under s 80 of the Penal Code, which provides as follows:
80 Nothing is an offence which is done by
accident or misfortune, and without any criminal intention or knowledge, in the
doing of a lawful act in a lawful manner, by lawful means, and with proper care
and caution.
[35] It is a complete defence in the sense that if
established would entitle the appellant to an outright acquittal, unlike for instance a defence of grave and
sudden provocation to a murder charge which if established would only reduce
the offence to culpable homicide not amounting of murder, but not entitling the
accused to a total acquittal.
[36] The
defence of accident or misfortune falls under the general exceptions in the
Penal Code and as such must be read together with s 105 of the Evidence Act 1950 (‘the Evidence Act’) which reads:
105 When a person is accused of any offence,
the burden of proving the existence of the general exceptions in the Penal
Code, or within any special exception or proviso contained in any other part of
the same Code, or in any law defining the offence, is upon him, and the court
shall presume the absence of those circumstances.”
5) Hujah-
berdasarkan pembelaan OKT yang konsisten dengan naratif kes pendakwaan sendiri
berkenaan pra syarat pemakaian Seksyen 80 seperti digariskan di atas; Perayu
telah berjaya menunjukkan kewujudan pembelaan accident atau misfortune
ini atas imbangan kebarangkalian.
6) Pohon
juga merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah Rayuan Abdul
Aziz bin Miew Yiong v PP [2015] 3 MLJ 556 [TAG 2];
“[16] It
is necessary to emphasise that the defence put up by the appellant was a
defence of accident or misfortune. This is a statutory defence under s 80 of the Penal Code which falls under Chapter IV under the
heading 'GENERAL EXCEPTIONS'. As such, the appellant had a legal burden to
prove on the balance of probabilities that his act was accidental. It was not
enough for him to merely cast a reasonable doubt as to whether his act was
accidental or otherwise. This legal burden (as opposed to evidential burden) is
imposed by s 105 of the Evidence Act 1950 ('the Evidence Act') which provides
as follows:
When a person is accused of any offence, the
burden of proving the existence of circumstances bringing the case within the
exceptions in the Penal Code, or within any special exception or proviso
contained in any other part of the same Code, or in any law defining the
offence, is upon him, and the court shall presume the absence of those circumstances.
[17] A
defence under s 80 of the Penal Code is a complete defence. The provision is
couched in the following terms:
Nothing is an offence which is done by
accident or misfortune, and without any criminal intention or knowledge, in the
doing of a lawful act in a lawful manner, by lawful means, and with proper care
and caution.
[18] Whether an act amounts to an accident or
misfortune is a question of fact. To earn an acquittal an accused person must
fulfill all the requirements of the section and the quantum of proof to
discharge the burden is proof on the balance of probabilities. In the context of the present appeal, the
appellant must prove the following:
(a) he did not intend to cause the death
of the two deceased;
(b) in firing the shots he was doing a
lawful act in a lawful manner and by lawful means; and
(c) he had exercised proper care and
caution before firing at the two deceased.”
7) Selanjutnya,
di dalam kes ini pendakwaan telah memilih limb “mengabaikan” dan “menyebabkan
kecederaan”. Sebelum ini, kami telah berhujah tiada pengabaian ataupun tindakan
Perayu yang menyebabkan kecederaan kepada mangsa.
8) Kami
juga berhujah tidak ada apa-apa kecuaian di pihak Perayu yang mana boleh
diletakkan apa-apa criminal liability
ke atas beliau. Pohon rujuk Seksyen 31 Akta Kanak-Kanak 2001;
(1) Any person who, being a person having the care of a child—
(a) abuses, neglects, abandons or exposes the child or acts
negligently in a manner likely to cause him physical or emotional injury or
causes or permits him to be so abused, neglected, abandoned or exposed; or
9) Pohon
merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah Persekutuan Adnan
bin Khamis v PP [1972] 1 MLJ 274 [TAG 3] yang menerangkan mengenai
ujian ke atas tertuduh yang dituduh dengan rash
or negligent conduct;
(1) the
test to be applied for determining the guilt or innocence of an accused person
charged with rash or negligent conduct is to consider whether or not a
reasonable man in the same circumstances would have been aware of the
likelihood of damages of injury to others resulting from such conduct and taken
adequate and proper precautions to avoid causing such damage or injury;
(2) the judgment delivered in Cheow
Keok v Public Prosecutor [1940] MLJ 103 must be regarded as per
incuriam and must therefore be overruled. Accordingly, the answer to
the first question must be in the negative, which implicitly provides the
answer to the second question. In the result, the order of the High Court
directing that the case be remitted back to the sessions court for the defence
to be called, would be affirmed. Cheow Keok v Public Prosecutor [1940] MLJ 103 overruled.
Per curiam: "In the first place, mere carelessness or inadvertence, without more, is not enough, in our
opinion, to establish guilt. An essential ingredient of all offences under
the Penal Code is mens rea; although, in the context of
culpable rashness or negligence, mens rea should not be
understood as synonymous with 'criminal intention' or 'wicked mind'. Rather, it
should be construed as connoting fault or blameworthiness of conduct. In the
second place, the fault or
blameworthiness must, as in all criminal cases, be proved by the prosecution
beyond reasonable doubt – not, as in civil cases, on balance of probabilities."
berdasarkan panduan kes di atas, tidak ada tindakan (conduct) atau peninggalan (omission)
di pihak Perayu di mana “a reasonable man in the same circumstances
would have been aware of the likelihood of damages of injury to others
resulting from such conduct”. Keadaan
meja yang biasa tanpa aduan serta lokasi yang selamat mengukuhkan hujahan ini.
11)Begitu juga usaha
yang mencukupi di pihak Perayu dan pihak sekolah untuk memastikan keselamatan
pelajar. Oleh itu dihujahkan Perayu telah berjaya memenuhi syarat ”taken
adequate and proper precautions to avoid causing such damage or injury”.
12) Sebagai
penutupnya, kami menghujahkan apa yang berlaku adalah satu kemalangan yang
tidak dijangka mahupun dirancang. Oleh itu adalah tidak wajar Perayu diletakkan
“criminal liability” ke atas beliau
dalam hal keadaan yang sebegini.
13) Dengan
rendah diri pohon rayuan kami dibenarkan dan sabitan serta hukuman ke atas
Perayu diketepikan.
14) Sekian,
terima kasih.
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