1) Rayuan oleh pihak Perayu adalah
terhadap keputusan Majistret yang telah mensabitkan Perayu di bawah Seksyen 6
Akta Dadah Berbahaya yang dihukum di bawah Seksyen 39A(1) Akta yang sama.
Majistret telah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara 24 bulan dari tarikh sabitan dan 3
kali sebatan.
2) Perayu dalam kes ini telah didakwa bersama-sama
dengan 4 lagi tertuduh yang telah dilepas dan dibebaskan di akhir kes
pendakwaan. Pertuduhan yang dikemukakan adalah seperti berikut;
para (a) hingga (f) Petisyen Perayu; Majistret terkhilaf apabila memutuskan
pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan kes prima facie.
1) Pertamanya, Majistret telah khilaf
apabila bersandarkan kepada keterangan dengar cakap (hearsay).
2) Secara asasnya, Majistret telah
mendapati adanya kes prima facie terhadap Perayu atas 3 sebab; adanya maklumat
tentang pengedaran dadah terhadap Perayu, kedudukan Perayu yang dekat dengan
barang kes dadah dan fakta Perayu merupakan penyewa kepada premis. Pohon rujuk m/s 24 hingga 26 Jilid 1 Rekod Rayuan.
berkaitan kewujudan maklumat ini boleh dilihat melalui keterangan SP2 di m/s 56 Jilid 2 Rekod Rayuan. SP2
mengatakan beliau telah terima satu maklumat tentang pengedaran ganja oleh 1
lelaki Melayu yang dikenali sebagai XXX
4) Hujah- kedudukan autoriti mengenai kemasukan
maklumat ini adalah jelas. Ia merupakan satu keterangan dengar cakap melainkan
pemberi maklumat (informer) dipanggil
menjadi saksi. Dalam kes ini, pemberi maklumat tidak dipanggil untuk
menerangkan mengenai maklumat tersebut. Oleh itu ia kekal menjadi keterangan hearsay yang tidak sepatutnya diterima
masuk (inadmissible).
kes Mahkamah Persekutuan, Leong Hong
Khie v PP [1986] 2 MLJ 206 [TAG 1];
were appeals against the conviction of the appellants on a charge of
trafficking in a dangerous drug. The principal evidence against the appellants
was given by a Senior Customs Officer who stated that he acted on information from informers. It was sought at the trial
to introduce evidence of oral statements made to the witness by two informers,
neither of whom was called to testify. The defence objected to the evidence on
the ground that it contravened the rule against the admission of hearsay
evidence and also because it did not fall within any of the recognised
exceptions thereto. The learned trial judge ruled that the statements were
admissible and convicted the appellants – See [1985] 1 MLJ 355. The appellants appealed.
(1) the
general rule is that hearsay evidence is not admissible as proof of a fact
which has been stated by a third person. In Malaysia certain exceptions have
been set out in Section 32 of the Evidence Act, 1950, but these statutory provisions were
not relied in this case;
(2) the
general proposition laid down by the Privy Council in the case of Subramaniam
v Public Prosecutor [1956] MLJ 220 must be read subject to this
condition viz. that the statement must be directly relevant in
considering the state of mind of the witness to whom it is made. In other words
the proposition could only apply when the mental state of the witness evidenced
by the statement was itself directly in issue at the trial;
(3) in
this case the prosecution had failed to satisfy this strict test. Since the
mental state of both the appellants was not in issue at the trail, the
condition had not been satisfied. All
the statements allegedly made by the informers to the witness are to be treated
as hearsay evidence and therefore inadmissible in law and ought to have been
rejected by the learned trial judge;
(4) none
of the reasons given by the learned judge come within the statutory exception
to the hearsay rule contained in section 32 of theEvidence Act 1950 and the res gestae rule does not
and cannot apply to the facts of the case;
(5) the hearsay evidence of the informers was
so interwoven with the testimony of the principal prosecution witness that its
misreception had seriously prejudiced the fair trial of the appellants and
resulted in a miscarriage of justice. Having regard to the other oral
evidence, it would be unsafe to allow the conviction to stand, as there was no
satisfactory oral evidence to support the conviction.”
6) Hujah- jelas satu kegagalan keadilan telah
berlaku akibat Perayu diprejudiskan daripada mendapat perbicaraan yang adil.
Oleh itu adalah tidak selamat untuk membenarkan sabitan dikekalkan.
juga kes Mahkamah Persekutuan
Alcontara a/l Ambrose Anthony v PP [1996] 1 MLJ 209 [TAG 2];
penultimate point which arose for consideration concerned the admission of
certain irrelevant, inadmissible and gravely prejudicial evidence, to wit, that
part of the testimony of ASP Abdul Wahab wherein he gave an account of the
briefing he had given his men on the night before he had mounted the road block
to stop and search the car driven by the appellant; more particularly, he said
this, 'I informed them [his men] that
information had been received that a certain Indian would be travelling in a
blue Colt Gallant Mitsubishi WBE 2789 and transporting dadah, proceeding from kawasan Permatang Bendahari towards
Pulau Pinang.' Now, this statement by ASP Abdul Wahab was clearly based on
hearsay, was prejudicial to the appellant, and therefore, inadmissible.
Although no objection had been raised to the admission of this inadmissible
evidence, the judge was nevertheless under an automatic duty to stop it from
being adduced for inadmissible evidence does not become admissible by reason of
failure to object.
In Vijayaratnam
v PP [1926] 28 MLJ 106, M Hashim J had to consider a
similar point, and went so far as to say (at p 106 col 2D):
think, if possible, the expression 'on information received' should not be used
by police officers when giving evidence. It would appear to mean that somebody
has given information, which may be hearsay, to the police and the police act
on this information. In this particular case, the police witness went on to say
that on arrival at the scene, he laid an ambush. This statement, read in
conjunction with the expression 'on information received', would tend to
indicate that the police had been told that an offence would be committed. In my opinion, this would, to say the
least, cloud the issue when the trial commenced and it might to a certain
degree prejudice the court against the appellant. To put it in another way,
there was a probability that the court trying the appellant was, to a certain
extent, influenced by the opening statement of the police witness. In my opinion,
such a state of affairs should be avoided.
we agree with much of what M Hashim J said in that case, we consider that in
appropriate circumstances, there is nothing objectionable in a law enforcement
officer saying, by way of introduction that, 'acting on information received',
he took certain steps in the investigation. However, when such testimony is given, care must be taken not to
divulge the contents of the information, as happened in the present case, since
this may well be open to the objection that it is hearsay and, in all
probability, prejudicial to the accused. Moreover, we must mention that in
trials for any offence under the Act, sub-ss (1) and (2) of s 40 provide for
special rules of evidence relating to the protection of informers — but note
the exception provided for under sub-s (3) of s 40.”
juga merujuk kes Mahkamah Persekutuan Chan
King Yu v PP [2009] 1 MLJ 457 [TAG 3] di mana tertuduh juga telah
dilepaskan dan dibebaskan kerana penerimaan keterangan hearsay;
“ [70] It was argued for the appellant that the learned
trial judge and the Court of Appeal judges had misdirected themselves in
admitting hearsay evidence and other inadmissible evidence which was highly
prejudicial to the appellant. It was submitted that in respect of some of the
admitted evidence there were elements of higher prejudice than probative value
and the court ought to have exercised its discretion to exclude them. It was
contended for the appellant that the prejudicial element is that the police were
acting on information received by ASP Giam Kar Hoon (PW7) from an informant
that on 19 June 2000 a Chinese male from Hong Kong by the name of Chan King Yu
would be trafficking in a dangerous drug ('syabu') at Hotel Nova, Kuala Lumpur.
Based on this information PW7 assembled his team to raid the said hotel room
occupied by the appellant.
[71] It can be gathered from the evidence adduced by the
prosecution witnesses that the police team were in fact acting on information
received to effect the arrest and detention of the appellant. PW7 in his
evidence, inter alia, had stated as follows:
(i) Sebelum tugas serbuan, pagi hari tersebut
saya telah menerima maklumat dari sumber. Maklumat darinya mengatakan satu
rakyat lelaki Cina Hong Kong bernama Chan King Yu akan mengedar dadah syabu di
sebuah Hotel di Kuala Lumpur … Dalam lebih kurang 12.10 tengahari sumber
telah menalipon saya dan telah beri nama hotel tersebut, iaitu Hotel Nova.
(ii) Selain dari menyerbu di premis disyaki
bilik hotel saya telah beri description sasaran kami, iaitu lelaki Cina bernama
Chan King Yu, serta dengan gambarnya. Saya boleh tunjuk gambar sasaran …
This is the original copy yang diberi oleh sumber saya …
Saya beri salinan photocopy kepada anggota saya. Saya terima gambar ini pada
hari kejadian jam lebih kurang pukul 8 lebih.
(iii) Saya nampak yang buka pintu tersebut
adalah lelaki Cina merupai sasaran kami.
[72] L/Cpl Samsudin bin Jantan (PW4) in his evidence
stated as follows:
Giam memberitahu siapanya suspek, iaitu, satu lelaki Cina bernama Chan King Yu
rakyat Hong Kong berada di sekitar Kuala Lumpur. Pemerhatian ini adalah berkenaan kegiatan pengedaran dadah. Arahan
adalah buat pemerhatian di Hotel Nova, Jalan Bukit Bintang. Lepas itu,
saya lihat satu lelaki bangsa Cina seperti deskripsi yang diberi oleh ASP Giam
melalui gambar yang ia beri turun dari Hotel Nova.
[73] L/Cpl Abdul Halim bin Basri (PW5) in his evidence
stated as follows:
(i) Operasi
yang diketuai oleh ASP Giam untuk membuat tangkapan ke atas seorang lelaki
Cina rakyat Hong Kong di sebuah hotel di Jalan Alor, Bukit Bintang. Ia Hotel
(ii) ASP
Giam arah untuk standby kerana ada maklumat seorang bangsa Cina lelaki rakyat
Hong Kong ada membawa dadah jenis syabu ke kawasan Bukit Bintang. Masa taklimat
saya diberitahu ada orang akan membawa syabu.
[74] The learned trial judge in his judgment on this
issue of acting on information received had stated as follows:
Keterangan menunjukkan tertuduh adalah sasaran
pihak polis dalam operasi ini dari sejak awal. Pihak polis telah menerima
maklumat bahawa seorang lelaki Cina dari Hong Kong akan mengedar dadah 'syabu'
pada hari itu dan telah menerima salinan portret tertuduh.
Court of Appeal in its judgment had also likewise stated as follows:
On the morning of 19 June 2000 ASP Giam Kar Hoon
(PW7) from the Narcotics Division of Bukit Aman received information that a
Chinese male from Hong Kong by the name of Chang King Yu would be trafficking
in dangerous drug at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur on that day.
[75] I am
of the view from the above quoted findings in the judgment of the courts it can
be said that both the High Court and the Court of Appeal had acted on
statements which were clearly hearsay and prejudicial to the appellant and
therefore inadmissible.”
9) Hujah- keadaan yang lebih kurang sama wujud
dalam kes kita. SP2 memberitahu beliau bertindak atas maklumat. Manakala SP4
memberi keterangan mengenai gambar sasaran. Namun, dalam kes di atas yang mana
gambar dikemukakan sekalipun, masih lagi Mahkamah Persekutuan mendapati
keterangan tersebut sebagai “clearly hearsay and prejudicial to the
appellant and therefore inadmissible.”
10)Hujah- Majistret telah menjadikan maklumat
ini sebagai sebab utama untuk membuat dapatan adanya pemilikan terhadap Perayu.
Oleh itu tidak timbul isu bahawa Majistret tidak terpengaruh dengan keterangan
yang inadmissible dalam membuat
11) Hujah- penerimaan masuk keterangan hersay ini juga adalah sangat prejudicial kepada Perayu kerana beliau
sahaja yang bernama XXX semasa serbuan sedangkan kedudukan beliau adalah sama
dengan 3 penyewa lain dan juga faktor kedekatan dengan barang kes (proximity) yang juga sama dengan 4 OKT
12) Keadaan mungkin berbeza sekiranya
hanya Perayu seorang sahaja yang ditangkap dalam serbuan tersebut. Begitu juga
sekiranya keterangan adalah overwhelming
terhadap Perayu walaupun wujud tangkapan lain seperti adanya conduct Perayu
yang menunjukkan pengetahuan. Begitu juga jika Perayu seorang sahaja yang
menyewa atau barang kes dijumpai pada milikan fizikal Perayu. Kesemua keadaan seperti
di atas tidak wujud dalam kes ini.
13)Walaupun pendakwaan memanggil SP4 yang
dikatakan membuat pemerhatian terhadap sasaran seorang lelaki bernama XXX, fakta
yang tidak dapat disangkal adalah SP4 juga bukan pemberi maklumat tersebut. SP4
mengatakan beliau juga dimaklumkan oleh SP2 mengenai maklumat tersebut. Oleh
itu ia kekal menjadi hearsay. Rujuk
keterangan SP4 di m/s 81 Jilid 2 Rekod
17) Hujah- dapatan Majistret yang bergantung
kepada keterangan hersay ini adalah satu salah arah yang serius yang
mewajarkan gangguan di pihak Mahkamah ini.
18)Keterangan yang lebih mustahak
daripada SP4 adalah kesemua tertuduh tidak membawa apa-apa barang salah semasa
balik ke kondo semasa beliau membuat pemerhatian pada hari kejadian. Rujuk m/s 84 Jilid 2 Rekod Rayuan. Keterangan
yang memihak kepada Perayu ini tidak juga dipertimbangkan oleh Majistret.
23) Seterusnya, Majistret turut bergantung
kepada keterangan yang inadmissible iaitu
rakaman percakapan Perayu. Pohon rujuk Alasan Majistret di m/s 105 dan juga 107 Jilid 1 Rekod Rayuan. Majistret dengan jelas
mengambilkira keterangan yang
inadmissible iaitu sasaran adalah OKT 1 mengikut rakaman percakapan. Ini adalah salah arah yang serius dan
sekali lagi memprejudiskan Perayu.
24)Sedangkan di dalam keterangan SP2 di m/s 56 Jilid 2 Rekod Rayuan mengesahkan
tiadanya kata-kata amaran dikemukakan oleh beliau di lokasi kejadian. Pihak
pendakwaan juga tidak pernah cuba memasukkan rakaman percakapan mana-mana OKT
sebagai keterangan.
25) Keduanya,
Majistret terkhilaf berkenaan dapatan dan penemuan fakta kenapa Perayu
dikatakan mempunyai kawalan dan jagaan.
26)Selain daripada bersandar kepada
keterangan hearsay, Majistret turut bersandar
kepada fakta bahawa perayu adalah penyewa premis tersebut.
27) Keterangan SP1 selaku tuan rumah di m/s 48 Jilid 1 Rekod Rayuan mengesahkan
bahawa penyewa premis seramai 4 orang iaitu XXX. Bahkan SP1 turut mengesahkan bahawa
orang yang membuat pembayaran adalah OKT 2. Rujuk m/s 52 Jilid 1 Rekod Rayuan.
28) Keterangan SP1 ini disokong melalui tenancy agreement iaitu ekshibit P1. SP2
juga sahkan beliau sewakan premis kepada 4 orang serta maklumkan pernah pergi
ke rumah pada bulan Disember dan dapati ada lebih dari 10 orang.
29) Hujah- dapatan Majistret iaitu adanya
kawalan dan jagaan Perayu terhadap barang kes dadah kerana beliau adalah
penyewa; adalah bertentangan dengan keterangan. Jika itulah dapatan Majistret,
bagaimana pula kedudukannya dengan 3 penyewa lagi?
30) Penama XXX adalah merupakan tertuduh
kedua dan ketiga di dalam kes ini. Kedudukan mereka semasa serbuan juga
adalah sama menurut SP2. Bahkan conduct mereka
semasa serbuan yang tidak berbuat apa-apa juga adalah sama dengan Perayu.
Majistret tidak langsung mengarahkan pemikiran beliau kepada fakta ini.
31) Manakala penama XXX juga
salah seorang daripada penyewa premis tersebut. Saksi ini tidak pernah
dipanggil oleh pendakwaan untuk eliminate
pemilikan beliau ke atas barang kes. Tidak ada apa-apa keterangan dikemukakan
di peringkat kes pendakwaan mengenai saksi ini.
32) Hujah- pemakaian Seksyen 114(g) Akta
Keterangan wajar terpakai ke atas pihak pendakwaan kerana gagal memanggil saksi
ini. Gap yang wujud di sini tidak
menjadi tugas dan tanggungjawab di pihak pembelaan mengisinya. Wujud juga
elemen suppression kerana penama ini
adalah adik kepada Perayu yang mungkin memberikan keterangan yang memihak
kepada Perayu jika dipanggil.
rujuk kes Mahkamah Rayuan Ibrahim Mohamad & Anor v PP [2011] 4 CLJ 113 [TAG 4];:
34) Peranan penama XXX lebih material
jika diteliti keterangan SP5 iaitu IO kes di m/s 100 Jilid 2 Rekod Rayuan. SP5 telah mengesahkan tiada rampasan
kunci pada Perayu dan ada satu lagi penghuni bernama XXX Menurut IO mungkin
beliau ke unit selepas kejadian dan telah mengambil kunci.
35) Hujah- kesemua keterangan yang memihak
kepada Perayu mengenai isu sewaan itu tidak langsung dipertimbangkan oleh
Majistret. Tidak ditunjukkan di mana-mana bahawa beliau telah mengambilkira
bahawa Perayu bukanlah satu-satunya penyewa. Versi adanya lebih dari satu
penyewa ini adalah naratif kes pendakwaan sendiri dan bukannya versi yang
dicadangkan oleh Perayu.
36) Selain itu, Majistret turut bersandar
kepada keterangan bahawa perayu ada bersama barang salah dalam jarak yang
dekat. Apa yang gagal dipertimbangkan oleh Majistret adalah kedudukan
keempat-empat lagi Perayu semasa serbuan adalah sama. Tidak berlaku keadaan di
mana contohnya hanya Perayu yang dijumpai dengan barang salah atau Perayu
sahaja di dalam bilik yang ada di dalamnya barang salah.
37) Pohon rujuk m/s 26 Jilid 2 Rekod Rayuan iaitu keterangan SP2 yang mengatakan
kedudukan kesemua 5 tangkapan adalah sama iaitu berada di ruang tamu. Apakah
yang membezakan Perayu dengan 4 tangkapan yang lain? Sewajarnya dapatan yang
sama dibuat oleh Majistret terhadap kesemua tertuduh jika alasan proximity menjadi sandaran.
38) Selain itu, Majistret juga gagal
mengarahkan pemikiran kepada keterangan IO SP5 di m/s 94 Jilid 2 Rekod Rayuan yang mengesahkan bahawa tiada kunci atau
kad akses dirampas daripada sesiapa. Juga tiada apa-apa barang peribadi sesiapa
dirampas daripada lokasi kejadian.
39) Hujah- kegagalan Majistret untuk
mempertimbangkan keseluruhan aspek keterangan termasuklah yang memihak kepada
Perayu juga merupakan satu salah arah. Hujahkan ini bukanlah maximum evaluation.
40) Hujah- dapatan adanya kawalan dan jagaan di m/s 26 JIlid 1 Rekod Rayuan adalah
bertentangan dengan keterangan atau tidak diasaskan atas keseluruhan fakta.
Keadaan berbeza jika kedudukan perayu saja yang hampir atau pendakwaan telah berjaya
untuk eliminate atau exclude possibility
of access bagi 4 lagi tertuduh.
41) Pohon juga rujuk kes PP v Chang Kok Foo [2016] 7 MLJ 67 [TAG 5];
“Held, acquitting and discharging the accused without calling for his
defence on both charges:
(1) The drugs were found in the hollow of the dressing table
chair and therefore it was not visible to anyone who was in the room. Although clothing was seized from the room, no
clothes fitting exercise was carried out to see if it fitted the accused. No
keys to the padlock were found on the accused. For that matter, no keys to the
room were recovered. A wedding photograph was found in the room and adduced to
court to show that the accused was occupying the room with his wife. However,
no documentary or oral evidence was adduced to show who was the registered
owner of the house and neither was there any evidence produced to show who was
the tenant or subtenant, if any (see para 32).
(2) Even if the accused
had known the presence of the drugs in the hollow of the dressing table chair,
this would have been insufficient to establish that he was in possession or in
control of it, given that his wife and daughter also had unrestricted access to
the room. The possibility that either one of them had concealed the drugs there
could not be excluded. The prosecution failed to prove that there was
exclusivity of possession on the part of the accused and that he had power of
disposal over the impugned drugs to the exclusion of others. The
prosecution also failed to adduce any fingerprint evidence or DNA evidence to
link the accused to the drugs (see paras 61 & 63).
(3) Under s 8 of the Evidence Act 1950, the conduct of an
accused ie absconding, nervousness, restlessness and other like behaviour is
admissible as a relevant fact. Under s 9, facts which support or rebut an
inference suggested by such conduct is relevant. The evidence that the accused
was worried ‘cemas’ and restless, ‘gelisah’ was conduct of an equivocal nature
at best. Any reasonable person upon realising that incriminating evidence or
objects were discovered are naturally inclined to display similar reaction what
more when his arrest immediately followed such discovery. The reaction
displayed by the accused was equally consistent with that of a person who had
just discovered that incriminating articles were present in the very room he
was found in. In all the circumstances of this case, it was unsafe to conclude
that such reaction constituted evidence of knowledge on the part of the accused
that there were drugs in the dressing table chair (see paras 36–37).
(4) Mere proximity or
juxtaposition of the accused to the drugs without more was insufficient to
fasten possession upon the accused. In the circumstances, the prosecution
failed to prove that the accused had knowledge of the drugs found in the room
and failed to prove that the accused was in possession of the said drugs (see
para 66).”
telah tersalah arah berkenaan beban di akhir kes pembelaan.
51) Merujuk m/s 26 Jiid 1 Rekod Rayuan, jelas Majistret telah menggunakan
anggapan di bawah Seksyen 37(d)
untuk dapati adanya pengetahuan di pihak Perayu di akhir kes pendakwaan.
52)Sebaliknya, di akhir kes pendakwaan
juga, tidak ada apa-apa dapatan bahawa bahawa wujudnya pengetahuan di pihak
Perayu melalui keterangan terus ataupun melalui inferens daripada keterangan
atau conduct Perayu.
53) Namun, jika diteliti alasan Majistret
di akhir kes pembelaan pula iaitu di m/s
34 Jilid 1 Rekod Rayuan, Majistret hanya memperturunkan alasan seperti
akhir kes pembelaan ini, berdasarkan keseluruhan keterangan saksi-saksi
pendakwaan dan pembelaan serta ekshibit yang dikemukakan, Mahkamah telah mencapai keputusan bahawa OKT didapati salah seperti
pertuduhan yang dibuat ke atas beliau.”
54) Hujah- wujud salah arah yang serius di mana
Majistret telah gagal untuk membuat apa-apa dapatan samada pembelaan Perayu
berjaya menimbulkan keraguan yang munasabah atau sebaliknya. Adalah jelas
Majistret telah gagal mematuhi panduan yang diberikan dalam kes Mahkamah Agung,
Mohamad Radhi bin Yaakob v Public Prosecutor [1991] 3 MLJ 169 [TAG 7];
“Held, allowing the appeal:
(1) Even though a judge does not accept or
believe the accused's explanation, the accused must not be convicted until the
court is satisfied for sufficient reason that such explanation does not cast a
reasonable doubt on the prosecution case.
(2) Where
the prosecution relies on available statutory presumptions to prove one or more
of the essential ingredients of the charge, the particular burden of proof, as
opposed to the general burden, shifts to the defence to rebut such presumptions
on the balance of probabilities which from the defence point of view is heavier
than the burden of casting a reasonable doubt but it is certainly lighter than
the burden of the prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt.
(3) Unless
the evidence in a particular case does not obviously so warrant, it is
incumbent for the court to consider whether on balance of probability the
defence has rebutted the statutory presumptions of trafficking under s 37(da)
of the Act as a separate exercise even though the court is satisfied on balance
that the presumption of possession under s 37(d) of the Act has not been
rebutted. In this case the failure to do so was a material misdirection and was
fatal to the conviction.
(4) The
learned trial judge has acted on the wrong premise that once the appellant had
failed to rebut the presumption under s 37(d) of the Act, the presumption under
s 37(da) of the Act had also not been rebutted. On the facts of this particular
case this error of law had occasioned a miscarriage of justice.”
55) Hujah- walau bagaimana lemah sekalipun
pembelaan itu, ia tidak wajar diketepikan begitu sahaja tanpa diberikan
pertimbangan sewajarnya. Pohon rujuk kes Mahkamah Rayuan, Chan
Chor Shuh v. Public Prosecutor [2003] 2 MLJ 26 [TAG 8];
“The law requires a trial judge to consider all of
the evidence that has been adduced in support of the defence. A court must
consider carefully whether a defence put forward is capable of raising a
reasonable doubt in the prosecution's case; Mohamad Radhi bin Yaakob v
Public Prosecutor [1991] 3 MLJ 169 followed. In
a suitable case, a court must consider a defence even if it has not been
specifically raised; R v Porrit (1961) 45 Cr App Rep 348
followed. On the facts, the Court of Appeal could not agree with the trial
judge's treatment of the defence especially in respect of the role of Wong.
Even though there was a paucity of evidence of whether Wong was an agent
provocateur, he should have been produced as a prosecution witness or at least
offered to the defence in view of the roles that he played. Wong was present at
the time of arrest. There was communication between him and the appellant prior
to the appellant's arrest and he had arranged the rendezvous with the
appellant. Wong was also essential to the unfolding of the narrative of the
prosecution's case, and the trial judge's rejection of the need to call him based
on the fact that he was an informer was misplaced (see pp 33B, E, G-H, 34C).”
56)Selanjutnya, wujud kekhilafan juga apabila
Majistret gagal mempertimbangkan samada pembelaan Perayu berupaya mematahkan
anggapan di bawah Seksyen 37(d) atau sebaliknya. Seperti dihujahkan di atas, di
akhir kes pendakwaan Majistret telah mendapati adanya elemen pengetahuan atas
anggapan Seksyen 37(d).
57) Hujah- ini adalah satu salah arah yang
serius apabila Hakim Bicara gagal mengarahkan fikiran di akhir kes samada
pembelaan berjaya mematahkan anggapan atau tidak. Rujuk kepada kes Mahkamah
Rayuan, Ooi Hock Kheng v PP [2014] 5
MLJ 585 [TAG 9].

58) Hujahkan keadaan yang sama berlaku
dalam kes Seyedarileza
Seyedhedayatollah Ehteshamiardestani v PP [2014] 4 CLJ 406 [Tag 10].
Hakim telah gagal untuk apply test of
balance of probabilities dalam menentukan samada Perayu telah mematahkan
anggapan atau tidak. Ini adalah perlanggaran undang-undang yang serius.
allowing the appeal, setting aside the conviction and sentence and acquitting
and discharging the appellant:
(1) The
appellants defence was not a simple denial. He gave an explanation on how he
ended up with P27 and the explanation was not inherently incredible. The trial
judge erred in describing the defence as a bare denial and in dismissing the
defence on the ground the appellant could have picked any name from the
passenger manifest to allege he was asked to check in the bag for that
passenger. It was never put to the defence that such was the case (see para
defence concerning Alizadeh, who was a real person, ought to have been
considered by the trial judge as the appellant was entitled to an acquittal on
the trafficking charge if he could show he was a mere possessor of the drugs
whilst Alizadeh was the true trafficker. The trial judge failed to do so.
Instead, she considered matters which were not in evidence and speculated that
the appellant could have picked a name from the passenger list. Clearly, the
trial judge failed to undertake the exercise expected of her under s 182A of
the Criminal Procedure Code i.e. to evaluate all the evidence before her. She
had failed to consider the defence fairly and sufficiently (see para 17).
trial judge had adverted to both presumptions under s 37(d) and (da) and also
to s 2 of the DDA without electing whether the appellant was found to be in
actual possession of the drugs and was presumed to be trafficking under s
37(da) or whether he was presumed to be in possession of the drugs under s
37(d) and was found to be trafficking under s 2 of the Act. If the presumptions had been resorted to in
calling for the defence, the law required the trial judge to apply the balance
of probabilities test to determine whether the appellant had rebutted the
presumption. No such application of that test was found in the trial courts
judgment (see para 20).”
59) Hujah- peninggalan (omission) ini adalah satu salah arah yang menimbulkan prejudis
terhadap Perayu. Walaupun betul sekalipun anggapan yang digunapakai, kegagalan
mendapati samada anggapan ini berjaya dipatahkan atau tidak adalah satu salah
arah yang serius yang mewajarkan gangguan oleh Mahkamah Yang Mulia ini. Sabitan
yang diberikan tidak lagi selamat
dan wajar diketepikan.
1) Berdasarkan keseluruhan keterangan dan
alasan penghakiman, dihujahkan bahawa rayuan oleh pihak Perayu adalah bermerit.
Mahkamah yang Mulia ini wajar mengenepikan keputusan Majistret serta melepas
dan membebaskan Perayu daripada pertuduhan.
2) Dengan rendah diri, pohon rayuan
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