
Showing posts from 2010


Salam, It's not great to be on the defensive side as compared to the offensive side. Take debate as an example. However amusing the tone and the way a debate is held (its all scripted and sound like Indonesian), surely its way better to be on the "pembangkang" side rather than the boring "pencadang" side. The same goes to football matches. Its great to watch an ultra attacking team like Newcastle, Barca, Spurs etc winning matches 4-3 or 6-0 rather than watching effective but defensive minded teams like Liverpool, Inter Milan, Malaysia (recently) nicking it with a 1-0 win. As proceedings in court especially criminal courts are treated and viewed as a battle too, thus being on the attack or otherwise is certainly part of the game. After all, at the end of a trial, at least a party is deemed to be on the losing side. I believe this is a wrong perception of the criminal justice system as I view the justice is always going to win; whether the end result is a convict...


1) Pembukaan a) Beban pendakwaan- kes prima facie; ‘credible evidence proving each ingredient of the offence which unrebutted or unexplained would warrant a conviction’. Cara menentukan keterangan credible itu telah diputuskan di dalam kes Balachandran v Public Prosecutor [2005] 1 CLJ 85. b) Elemen pertuduhan- makna robbery di bawah Seksyen 390 (KK). c) Definisi gang robbery di bawah Seksyen 391 KK; “When two or more persons conjointly commit or attempt to commit a robbery, or where the whole number of persons conjointly committing or attempting to commit a robbery, and of persons present and aiding such commission or attempt, amount to two or more, every person so committing, attempting, or aiding, is said to commit "gang-robbery".” d) Pendakwaan perlu buktikan samada OKT commit, attempt atau aid perbuatan samun yang didakwa. e) Adalah menjadi asas dalam kes jenayah perlunya elemen actus reus dan mens rea ; actus non faci...


Salam, Frasa "cow jumping over the moon" adalah satu frasa yang popular di kalangan pengamal undang-undang jenayah. Frasa ini sangat diminati (dan dekat di hati) pihak pendakwaan kerana frasa yang ditemui dalam kes PP v Mohamed Ali yang diputuskan oleh pada tahun 1962 ini, telah memberikan analogi yang sangat menarik dalam menganalisa keterangan seorang saksi polis. Untuk benefit rakan-rakan yang tidak biasa dengan kes ini; Hakim Thompson CJ memberikan kiasan begini dalam menerima atau menolak keterangan saksi polis. Katanya dalam bahasa Melayu mudah; kalau polis kata lihat "cow jumping over the moon" di Kuala Lumpur maka tak bolehlah percaya, namun jika polis berkata nampak cow tersebut wandering di atas jalan di Kuala Lumpur, maka boleh percayalah kata-katanya. Ini seolah-olah menunjukkan keterangan saksi polis itu hampir 99.9% hendaklah diterima on the face value. Setakat pengalaman saya di mahkamah; belum pernah lagi saya bertemu saksi polis yang memberikan kete...


Salam, Kerjaasama! Ini mungkin tagline paling popular bagi rancangan kartun masa kini. Jika di zaman 80an dulu seingat saya yang paling popular adalah Thunderx3..Thundercats! Ini bermakna banyak juga kartun yang boleh mengajar anak-anak kita (dan juga bapak-bapak) akan erti nilai yang baik seperti sifat kerjasama. Justru, adalah disyorkan para ibu-bapa menonton rancangan kartun seperti Wonderpets, Little Einstein dan sebagainya bersama anak-anak. DI samping boleh menyemai sikap kerjasama, masa berkualiti bersama keluarga juga dapat dimanfaatkan berbanding ibu-ibu sibuk dengan drama Korea, Filipina, Bangla bla bla dan bapa-bapa sibuk dengan bola, bola dan lagi-lagi bola. Adakah entri ini berkaitan kartun? Sudah tentu bukan. Saya ingin berkongsi aplikasi konsep kerjasama di mahkamah hasil pengalaman menjadi pengunjung setia mahkamah saban hari. Bolehkah ia wujud? Mampukah pihak-pihak yang bertentangan dalam sistem adversarial (bermusuhan) di mahkamah co-exist dalam bekerjasama menegakkan...


It is a tough job being a prosecutor. I bet most of us can comfortably sit on the bench (sorry to say) but maybe just a few can withstand the rigorous, challenging and scary position way down from the bench; that is as a prosecutor. Feeling so small in the cold court room, up against senior and uncompromising lawyers, receiving tongue-lashing from hot-headed judges; all of these are surely not for a faint-hearted. I relish my time being a prosecutor. It taught me a lot; be it from the legal aspect or your perception in life.For me, any prosecutor can succeed provided he can manage his fear. After all, we as officers of the court are always reminded to carry out our duty without fear or favor. To be frank, fear is needed to a certain extent. It ensures that you are always ever-ready for the trial, do necessary homework and as a result you will minimize your mistakes in the trial proper as well as avoid blunders. Nevertheless; unnecessary fear will add extra pressure to the prosecutor. T...


Salam, Dilema adalah satu perkataan yang unik dan signifikan dalam hidup kita. Perkataan dilema juga diabadikan dalam lagu-lagu yang lunak didengar seperti "Di Persimpangan Dilema" oleh Nora dan juga lagu-lagu yang tak berapa merdu didengar seperti "Di Dalam Dilema" oleh KRU. Che Det juga menggunakan perkataan dilemma dalam buku beliau. Adalah sesuatu yang bagus apabila kita berada di lembah kedilemaan ini kerana ia menunjukkan kita mempunyai pilihan untuk dibuat. Saya juga menghadapi pelbagai dilema saban hari. Sekecil-kecil dilema seperti hendak pakai tie warna apa untuk dipasangkan dengan uniform tahi cicak ke mahkamah dan lebuhraya yang mana yang kurang jemboree (kesesakan lalulintas) apabila pulang ke rumah supaya sempat sampai sebelum gelap. Namun, terkadang ada juga bertembung dengan dilema yang tidak digemari seperti berhadapan dengan anak guam yang degil, tamak atau lebih sudu dari kuah dan bertindak lebih loyar dari loyar sendiri. Kita sering mendengar ba...


Salam, A friend once asked me why I like so much watching 22 half naked man chasing after the same small round object on a field? Well I think any answer won't satisfy this chair-leg (kaki bangku) type of person. The first ever World Cup final I watched was great. Watching the likes of Rumenigge, Matthaus, Toni Schumacher and co. lost to Maradona, Burruchaga, Pumpido and co. in the final of World Cup 1986 has sparked my keen interest in football in general and the German team in particular. That same feeling was also there since I started going to "stadium keramat" Stadium Sultan Mohd ke 4 since my primary schooldays. It was an unforgettable experience to be part of the crowd witnessing the great Kelantan team with the likes of Hashim Mustapha, Marko Kraljevic, Boonphop Praphut, Zahasmi Ismail, Dalini Dali and so many more great players mesmerizing the crowds and in some other times playing not so great. Back to the future in 2010 my interest to the game is still the same...


Salam, The submission stage in a criminal trial is the most eagerly awaited stage in a criminal trial. Here, all the efforts put in by the parties, all the evidence (or drama) that has transpired throughout the trial will be compressed, zip filed and reduced to a mere 30 minutes script reading or tongue lashing by the judge or even sometimes a one line sentence like "hujahan saya adalah seperti keterangan, Yang Arif". Due to the KPI-phobia, recently the time frame to prepare for a submission has dwindled from weeks to a matter of minutes. Some KPI obsessed judges demand submission to be done on the spot after the case closed. Some even ridiculed lawyers who opt for oral submission due to time constraint, while they themselves only allow less than 24 hours for preparation. Apart from Paul the Nostradamus octopus; my current most hated thing is definitely KPI. It pressured all parties unnecessarily, has slowly removed judicial discretion and transforming justice and performance...


Salam, 1) Daripada pengalaman dan pemerhatian saya, ramai kalangan pengamal undang-undang samada di pihak prosecution mahupun defence yang samada; tidak tahu langsung kewujudan rules ini atau simply tidak ambil peduli. 2) Pada saya it goes to the decorum, professionalism dan juga matlamat pengamal undang-undang itu. Jika beliau seorang yang gentleman, maka pembawaan dan pengendalian kes beliau akan selaras dengan rules serta concept of fairness dan keyakinan pada keupayaan sendiri. 3) Sebaliknya, pengamal yang tidak gentleman, tidak yakin kebolehan sendiri dan mementingkan kemenangan at all cost; akan definitely resort kepada taktik-taktik licik dan kotor seperti trial by ambush, suppression of evidence dan badgering of witnesses, semata-mata untuk mencapai kemenangan. In the process, beliau akan bulldoze segala rules dan konsep fair play yang sedia ada samada codified atau tidak. 4) Oleh itu pada saya; code of conduct ini wujud secara codified spt yang disenara...